Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is amanda we made it to warm LA

This is Amanda - Angie's daughter. They were really excited to see each other. Amanda had a test today and was glad for that to be over. Then they went to dinner (left me in the car.....) and visited the BGC Church, Whittier Area Community Church. They call their church WACC - that was funny - made me laugh. Then it was off to Yogurt land to eat some more. This is a cool school, BIOLA. Nice people, great weather.

Wow i could watch the airplane fly on screen it was minus 84 Outside

So the seat back in front of us had this amazing tv / movie / music thing. Beside's Angie's special playlist that she created and listened to during the whole flight - there was this map tracker that I could watch and see just where we were flying and at what altitude (that's how high up in the sky we were). Did you know that at 37,000 feet above the earth, the temperature is -84 Deg. C. That's crazy. It's a good thing we have a heater on the plane. Can you imagine what would happen is a window opened up?

Here we go oh and she took me out of the bag :)

Angie finally took me out of the bag on the airplane and let me look outside the window. It was amazing. All those houses got really small and then we went over mountains and the plane jumped around for a little while. I didn't like that part. Has anyone ever wondered how something that big, metal and heavy can really stay in the air? It's kind of weird when you think about it. And don't ask me about the wheels on that beast. There were right under us. It was light the whole bottom of the plane was going to open up and swallow us whole. Whew! I'm glad Angie was taking good care of me.

Its a little too snug in the bag right now i wish Angie would take me out

It's a little too tight for me. I can't believe what she packed inside this one bag.

We are getting on an airplane to california oh my first plane ride

Woo hoo! My first plane ride. We're on Virgin America. Isn't that a strange name for an airplane. But it was a really cool plane inside. All the interior lights were pink and purple and each seat had a tv / movie / music console. Angie made her own playlist for the entire flight. She was much for conversation today. Here I am getting ready for the flight.

On Mrs Petersons Car she took Angie and me to the airport a nice lady

You probably guessed. Mrs. Peterson drove Angie and I to the airport early this morning. But they stopped for some coffee and chatting first...and left me in the cold car. It was nice of her to take us though. She's a really nice lady.

Can you guess where I am Now?

I'm on something fast, red and sleek. Can you guess? And it hit a curb this morning...but don't tell Mr. Peterson.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

This is Greg vontobel The leader of Prisoners For Christ

We finally arrived at the Celebration, in the middle of an apple orchard. It was a large house with about a hundred people having a BBQ and then His Harmony encouraged them with a concert of worship. This is Greg VonTobel. He is the President of Prisoners for Christ and he was really happy that His Harmony came all the way to Yakima to minister there. It was a good day.

Help we are out in the middle of no where

Yea. Well, this was a little unsettling for me. His Harmony kept driving and driving out and eventually ended up on this road that seemed to go on forever. And then Angie put me out there all by myself and as she was taking a picture, a car came up from behind. Fortunately, she walked toward me enough that they didn't run me over. Wow - I almost was a flat Pink!

Can you believe how much snow there is

This is the restaurant that we stopped and had lunch in on Snoqualmie Pass. Can you see all the snow piled on the roof?

look at the snow

We are on Snoqualmie Pass and you can see it, but it's snowing outside. And it's the end of March. Look at all the snow behind us. It was really amazing how high the snow piles still are. Oh, and can you spot me in the picture? I smiled really big.

Brrr Its a little cold out here

Well, we stopped for lunch. Can you guess where we are now?

With mr Fricks And his harmony going to Yakima

See - you guessed right - I'm now whispering some weird thing about atom physics to Mr. Fricks and he's so impressed with how smart I am. We had some good chats about the elapsed time for miracles to occur and whether heaven is in another dimension occuring at the same time, all around us....wooooooo

can you guess where i am at

I'm riding with His Harmony - to Yakima for a concert with Prisoners for Christ. That's Mr. Fricks holding me up so I can see to help drive. The whole group is getting to meet me and help me on this journey. They are excited to just spend some time together again before Angie's flies away on Tuesday.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yes, I'm on her car and we've stopped at A Christian Bookstore in Kirkland to get ANOTHER book. Can you believe it. Another book..... like she doesn't have enough to read already. But this one is called "SABBATH" and it's by that teacher I met, Dan Allender. She wants to understand what a Sabbath is really about. The question asked by the book - "What would you do for 24 hours if the only CRITERIA (that's a big word - it means rules for the task) were to pursue your deepest JOY." What would you do to go after your deepest JOY?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can you tell where I am now

Can you tell where I'm at. I'm on something that Angie uses quite a bit. She let me get on top of it.

A new friend

This is Dr. Denise Muir Kjesbo. Angie and I ate lunch with her. She lives back east and it a Professor at Bethel University. I could tell that Angie enjoyed talking with her because she had a smile on her face, even when she was talking about some sad things. Denise took her picture with me for you all. She's nice.

And we are off

Heading out..... in Angie's pack to see the world.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

She left me at home do you know where she went its a famous old cabin

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yikes.....tell me it isn't so....

Can you even see me here? Do you know where I'm at? Angie told me we were on a journey together and she brought me to her office .... I'm feeling a little trapped by all these books. I think she could spend five years and never read all of these - wow!

Can you Guess Where I'm at today?

Monday, March 23, 2009

A really good professor

Can you tell where I'm at now? That's right - I'm in class with Angie. I'm supposed to be really quiet while I'm here. That's not too hard since I can't really talk without a mouth......but I can listen. The man in the picture is Dr. Dan Allender. Angie thinks he's a wonderful teacher. He really loves God and wants to help people know Him better. It was a long day though, Angie looked really tired after six hours of lecture.

Going to School with Angie

If you guessed Seattle - you're right. We went to Mars Hill Graduate School where Angie has been going to a couple classes. There were alot of younger people in the class, Angie's a little different than them. They kind of looked at me strangely, but I enjoyed my first day of school. I think people are lucky they can go to school and learn new things.

Pink's First Car ride with Angie

Angie let me ride up front in the car - can you tell what city that is in the background? I'm getting a little sick riding backwards - Angie and I have a few things in common.

Monday - 3/23 Off to Seattle

Woo hoo....did you guess right? That's right, I'm on the sign at church. I got a chance in the cold to stand for a picture, now we're off on a journey today.

Can you spot me? I'm the one wearing the pink bandana around my neck.

Welcome - My Name is Pink

Welcome to my blog. My name is Pink and I'm hanging out with Angie during her sabbatical. I think she is kind of cool, but she keeps me in her bag a little too much. But I still get to go to a lot of cool places with her. I hope you enjoy our journey together. By the way....can you guess where I'm at right now?